An Interview with Dr. James Weyhenmeyer: The Role of the Vice President of Research in Research Security

Join IPTalons as we sit down with Dr. James Weyhenmeyer, Auburn University's Vice President of Research, to examine the role of the Vice President of Research when it comes to research security.

In this interview, we discuss how the role for universities have changed due to emerging research security requirements and how it has impacted research programs.  In this discussion, viewers will  learn about external factors that can impact internal operations and program staff.  Finally, viewers will learn any tips and recommendations on how to best protect their programs from evolving risks.

About Dr. Weyhenmeyer

James Weyhenmeyer, PhD, joined Auburn University in April 2019 and serves as the institution’s vice president for research and economic development. In this role, Dr. Weyhenmeyer provides leadership to various research and economic development units, including sponsored programs, proposal services and faculty support, research compliance, the university veterinarian, electronic research administration, innovation advancement and commercialization, external engagement and support, and university-based start-ups.

Working with the university’s administration, including academic units, research centers and institutes, the Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station and the Alabama Cooperative Extension System, Dr. Weyhenmeyer directs the strategic development and implementation of university-wide, research-related programs and creative activities.

Dr. Weyhenmeyer joined Auburn from Georgia State University (GSU), where he served as vice president for research and economic development and as chair of the Research Foundation board of directors. At GSU, Dr. Weyhenmeyer managed the university’s research portfolio, economic development activities, and information technology operations. Before joining GSU, he was the senior vice provost for research and economic development at the State University of New York and the vice president for research at the State University of New York Research Foundation.

Recording Date: May 30, 2023


Research Security in Academia


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