Funding Agencies Race to Find Unreported Researcher COI: What That Means for Research University Compliance Teams

As the National Science Foundation (NSF) announced recently, the research grant funding agency has invested considerable resources to leverage big data and advanced analytics to identify principal investigators and other researchers who have foreign research collaborations and/or foreign sources of research funding. NSF plans to use that data to scour its research grant application databases to flag PIs and others who have discrepancies in their disclosure statements and biosketches. Other U.S. federal research grant funding agencies and departments, including NIH, NASA, NOAA, and DoD, will likely follow the same course of action to identify unreported or inaccurate COI foreign disclosures.

The impact on the research universities and institutions that receive the grant funding could be material and significant. Please join us to hear the IPTalons speaker panel provide an overview of the shifting risk landscape now facing your research security and compliance teams. The panel will also share its key takeaways from new government big data hunting programs and provide advice on what research universities can do to get ahead of the COI enforcement actions on the horizon.

Recording Date: October 28, 2022


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